7 Example: NBA data analysis

In this chapter we will scrape and analyze NBA data from basketball-reference.com. In this example, we will go over the majority of R functions that we have learned so far, and we will introduce a few new ones that can be particularly useful. Before running the code, check out the focal webpage: https://www.basketball-reference.com/

To start, load the following packages:

pluck = purrr::pluck 

The code pluck = purrr::pluck is optional; it allows you to call the function pluck without the purrr:: in front of it.

7.1 Scrape basketball-reference.com

Let’s first use read_html function to download the webpage that stores all the LA Lakers’ games from 2020:

r = read_html("https://www.basketball-reference.com/teams/LAL/2020_games.html")
## {html_document}
## <html data-version="klecko-" data-root="/home/bbr/build" itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/WebSite" lang="en" class="no-js">
## [1] <head>\n<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8 ...
## [2] <body class="bbr">\n<div id="wrap">\n  \n  <div id="header" role="banner" ...

7.1.1 rvest::html_table()

Because in this example we are interested in the available statistics, we will need to extract information out of the tables that are posted on the focal webpage. Instead of using the SelectorGadget extension, the rvest package has the function html_table that along with HTML tag “table” allows us to extract all the tables from a webpage:

r1 = r %>% html_nodes("table") %>% html_table() 

7.1.2 purrr::pluck

This is great, but html_table returns all the available tables within an html web page. What if we wanted a specific table? Luckily, the package purrr that is included in tidyverse has a function called pluck that allows us to access elements from an R object through their index. For instance:

c(1,4,9) %>% purrr::pluck(3)
## [1] 9

In the previous call of pluck I used the name of the package before the function, separated by two consecutive colons, to make sure that I am calling the pluck function from the purrr package. This is important to do because the rvest package has its own pluck function that works a bit differently and it might generate errors in our examples. So because both pluck functions are available in my environment, I need to specify which one of the two I want to use.

(In fact, in my case, because I have used pluck=purrr::pluck in the very begining, I do not really have to use purrr:: front of pluck. I am only using it in case you copy-paste this code.)

Back to our example, let us assume that we want to get the second table; We can use the pluck function as follows:

r %>% html_nodes("table") %>% purrr::pluck(2) %>% html_table() %>% 
## # A tibble: 6 × 15
##   G     Date    `Start (ET)` ``    ``    ``    Opponent  ``    ``    Tm    Opp  
##   <chr> <chr>   <chr>        <lgl> <chr> <chr> <chr>     <chr> <lgl> <chr> <chr>
## 1 1     Tue, A… 9:00p        NA    "Box… ""    Portland… "L"   NA    93    100  
## 2 2     Thu, A… 9:00p        NA    "Box… ""    Portland… "W"   NA    111   88   
## 3 3     Sat, A… 8:30p        NA    "Box… "@"   Portland… "W"   NA    116   108  
## 4 4     Mon, A… 9:00p        NA    "Box… "@"   Portland… "W"   NA    135   115  
## 5 5     Sat, A… 9:00p        NA    "Box… ""    Portland… "W"   NA    131   122  
## 6 G     Date    Start (ET)   NA    ""    ""    Opponent  ""    NA    Tm    Opp  
## # … with 4 more variables: W <chr>, L <chr>, Streak <chr>, Notes <chr>

7.1.3 dplyr:bind_rows

If you notice, the two tables of the basketball-reference webapge store similar information; the only difference is that the bottom table stores information about the playoff season, while the top one stores information about the regular season. We can combine the two with the function bind_rows(). This function is similar to bind_columns, but instead of placing two tibbles next to each other, it concatenates one below the other:

r1 = r %>% html_nodes("table") %>%  html_table() %>% bind_rows()

The two tables have some non-matching columns, while the tables also include columns that do not have useful information for our analysis. To get a list of all the available columns we can use the function names():

##  [1] "G"          "Date"       "Start (ET)" "...4"       "...5"      
##  [6] "...6"       "Opponent"   "...8"       "...9"       "Tm"        
## [11] "Opp"        "W"          "L"          "Streak"     "Notes"

7.1.4 Drop, rename, and create columns

Now we can choose the columns we are interested in and rename them accordingly:

r2 = r1 %>% select(Date, Opponent, Tm, Opp, W, L) %>% 
  rename(PointsFor = Tm, PointsAgainst = Opp, TotalWins = W, TotalLosses = L) %>% 
  mutate(FocalTeam = "LAL")
r2 %>% select(Date, Opponent, FocalTeam) %>% head
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##   Date              Opponent             FocalTeam
##   <chr>             <chr>                <chr>    
## 1 Tue, Oct 22, 2019 Los Angeles Clippers LAL      
## 2 Fri, Oct 25, 2019 Utah Jazz            LAL      
## 3 Sun, Oct 27, 2019 Charlotte Hornets    LAL      
## 4 Tue, Oct 29, 2019 Memphis Grizzlies    LAL      
## 5 Fri, Nov 1, 2019  Dallas Mavericks     LAL      
## 6 Sun, Nov 3, 2019  San Antonio Spurs    LAL

7.2 Custom functions and repetitive scraping

Our goal is not to just analyze the LA Lakers, but instead, to compare the performance of multiple teams. Hence, it would be useful to create a custom function that extracts the above tibble r2 for any team we care about. Then, we would be able to call that function repeatedly for different teams:

getTeamSeason = function(team){
  r = read_html(paste("https://www.basketball-reference.com/teams/", team,"/2020_games.html", sep=""))
  r1 = r %>% html_nodes("table") %>%  html_table() %>% bind_rows()
  r1 %>% select(Date, Opponent, Tm, Opp, W, L) %>% 
    rename(PointsFor = Tm, PointsAgainst = Opp,TotalWins = W, TotalLosses = L) %>% 
    mutate(FocalTeam = team)

Note that even though we did not use the return() function in the previous function, R by default returns the last estimated expression inside the function. So in this case, it will return the desired tibble.

Now we can call this function for any team we care about:

d1 = getTeamSeason("MIA") %>% select(Date, Opponent, FocalTeam) %>% head

Or for multiple teams with the function map_dfr:

d = c("BOS","DEN","MIA","LAL") %>% map_dfr(getTeamSeason)
d %>% select(Date, Opponent, FocalTeam) %>% head
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##   Date              Opponent            FocalTeam
##   <chr>             <chr>               <chr>    
## 1 Wed, Oct 23, 2019 Philadelphia 76ers  BOS      
## 2 Fri, Oct 25, 2019 Toronto Raptors     BOS      
## 3 Sat, Oct 26, 2019 New York Knicks     BOS      
## 4 Wed, Oct 30, 2019 Milwaukee Bucks     BOS      
## 5 Fri, Nov 1, 2019  New York Knicks     BOS      
## 6 Tue, Nov 5, 2019  Cleveland Cavaliers BOS

7.3 Transforming and creating new columns

7.3.1 dplyr::across

Many of the columns of our final tibble d are of type character, while they actually need to be numerical. One way to transform these variables to numeric is to use the as.numeric function for each single one of them. However, we can also use the function across inside the mutate function which allows us to apply a third function on multiple columns:

#one by one:
#d$PointsFor = as.numeric(d$PointsFor)
#or all at the same time:
d = d %>%  mutate(across(c(PointsFor,PointsAgainst,TotalWins,TotalLosses),as.numeric))

7.3.2 Missing values

Let’s summarize our dataset to get a better idea of the ranges of each variable:

d %>%  summary
##      Date             Opponent           PointsFor   PointsAgainst  
##  Length:389         Length:389         Min.   : 80   Min.   : 76.0  
##  Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:104   1st Qu.:100.0  
##  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :112   Median :107.0  
##                                        Mean   :112   Mean   :108.1  
##                                        3rd Qu.:119   3rd Qu.:115.0  
##                                        Max.   :149   Max.   :139.0  
##                                        NA's   :22    NA's   :22     
##    TotalWins      TotalLosses      FocalTeam        
##  Min.   : 0.00   Min.   : 0.000   Length:389        
##  1st Qu.: 9.00   1st Qu.: 3.000   Class :character  
##  Median :20.00   Median : 7.000   Mode  :character  
##  Mean   :22.06   Mean   : 8.981                     
##  3rd Qu.:35.00   3rd Qu.:14.000                     
##  Max.   :52.00   Max.   :29.000                     
##  NA's   :22      NA's   :22

Multiple columns have missing values. Lets see why:

d %>% filter(is.na(PointsFor)) %>% select(Date, Opponent, FocalTeam) %>%  head
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##   Date  Opponent FocalTeam
##   <chr> <chr>    <chr>    
## 1 Date  Opponent BOS      
## 2 Date  Opponent BOS      
## 3 Date  Opponent BOS      
## 4 Date  Opponent BOS      
## 5 Date  Opponent BOS      
## 6 Date  Opponent DEN

As we can see, we have collected multiple unnecessary column names, along with a couple of games that did not happen yet. So we can mindfully remove these rows for the rest of our analysis:

d = d %>% filter(!is.na(PointsFor))

7.3.3 Creating new columns

Let’s assume that we want to investigate whether the margin of victory of each game is an important statistic. First, we need to create a column that stores the difference in points that each team has won or lost:

d = d %>% mutate(WinBy = PointsFor - PointsAgainst)
d %>% select(Date, Opponent, FocalTeam, WinBy) %>% head
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
##   Date              Opponent            FocalTeam WinBy
##   <chr>             <chr>               <chr>     <dbl>
## 1 Wed, Oct 23, 2019 Philadelphia 76ers  BOS         -14
## 2 Fri, Oct 25, 2019 Toronto Raptors     BOS           6
## 3 Sat, Oct 26, 2019 New York Knicks     BOS          23
## 4 Wed, Oct 30, 2019 Milwaukee Bucks     BOS          11
## 5 Fri, Nov 1, 2019  New York Knicks     BOS           2
## 6 Tue, Nov 5, 2019  Cleveland Cavaliers BOS           6

Let’s get a quick average and standard deviation estimate for each one of the four teams:

d %>% group_by(FocalTeam) %>% summarise(mean(WinBy), sd(WinBy))
## # A tibble: 4 × 3
##   FocalTeam `mean(WinBy)` `sd(WinBy)`
##   <chr>             <dbl>       <dbl>
## 1 BOS                6.06        11.8
## 2 DEN                1.21        12.5
## 3 LAL                6.03        12.9
## 4 MIA                2.73        12.1

7.4 Plotting with ggplot2

7.4.1 ggplot2::facet_wrap

Now let’s plot the distributions of the margin of victory for the four teams. The function facet_wrap allows us to visualize the distribution of each team in a separate plot next to each other. The functions scale_fill_brewer and scale_color_brewer allows us to use predetermined color palettes. You can find these palettes here: https://rdrr.io/cran/RColorBrewer/man/ColorBrewer.html

myPalette = "PuOr"
ggplot(d, aes(x=WinBy, color = FocalTeam, fill = FocalTeam))+
  geom_density(alpha=0.7, size=2)+facet_wrap(~FocalTeam, ncol = 2)+
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = myPalette)+
  scale_color_brewer(palette = myPalette)+

7.4.2 lubridate::as_date(,format)

If we look at our dataset we will see that the date column has a format that is not recognized as a date format by R. It would have been nice to be able to transform this format into an actual date type. Fortunately, we can do this with the function as_date that we have used in the past, along with its parameter format that we can set to match any specific date format:

as_date("Wed, Oct 23, 2019", format="%a, %b %d, %Y")
## [1] "2019-10-23"

An explanation of the format keywords can be found here: https://rdrr.io/r/base/strptime.html

We can apply this format to the column date and transform it to date type:

d$Date = as_date(d$Date, format="%a, %b %d, %Y")
d %>% select(Date) %>% head
## # A tibble: 6 × 1
##   Date      
##   <date>    
## 1 2019-10-23
## 2 2019-10-25
## 3 2019-10-26
## 4 2019-10-30
## 5 2019-11-01
## 6 2019-11-05

7.4.3 A linegraph

Now lets create a linegraph to see how the margin of victory evolved during the season for these teams:

ggplot(d, aes(x=Date, y=WinBy, color = FocalTeam, fill=FocalTeam))+
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = myPalette)+
  scale_color_brewer(palette = myPalette)+

7.4.4 arrange(), head(), and tail()

We can rank the tibble so that we can see the top 2 victories (head) by margin, and the top 2 losses (tail):

d %>% arrange(desc(WinBy)) %>% select(Date, Opponent, FocalTeam, WinBy) %>% head(2) 
## # A tibble: 2 × 4
##   Date       Opponent             FocalTeam WinBy
##   <date>     <chr>                <chr>     <dbl>
## 1 2019-12-05 New York Knicks      DEN          37
## 2 2020-01-11 New Orleans Pelicans BOS          35
d %>% arrange(desc(WinBy)) %>%  select(Date, Opponent, FocalTeam, WinBy) %>% tail(2) 
## # A tibble: 2 × 4
##   Date       Opponent       FocalTeam WinBy
##   <date>     <chr>          <chr>     <dbl>
## 1 2020-01-20 Boston Celtics LAL         -32
## 2 2020-08-21 Utah Jazz      DEN         -37

7.5 Membership operator

Finally, let’s assume that we only want to save into a csv file information about Boston, LA and Miami, and ignore Denver. One way to do this, is to use multiple OR statements or just use FocalTeam != 'DEN' inside a filter function. Another way to do this, which sometimes is more useful and more intuitive, is to use the membership operator %in%. For instance, the following asks whether 5 is included in the vector c(4,6,7):

 5 %in% c(4,6,7)
## [1] FALSE

Similarly, in our case, we can save this file as follows:

write_csv(d %>% filter(FocalTeam %in% c("LAL","BOS","MIA")),

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